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Rather than a short blog or profile on a dating site, having this website seems more appropriate. I hope to meet those interested in similar play, single or couples. All will be welcome and made to feel safe, as long as you are worthy.  If you are willing to invest the time to learn whether we may be compatible in play, please read on.  Novice to skilled players are welcome. It is not your experience but your sincere enthusiasm that excites me.

I’m a lifestyle Dominant of long standing in the BDSM community across the country.  At 19, I started my lifelong learning through mentoring in old guard leather tradition at the La Bastille as apprentice to a respected Chicago Dominatrix. I learned old school techniques, including discretion, sincerity, respect, safety and sanity that are crucial in every scene.  Over the years I have honed my skills, making for an unforgettable experience.


I love scenes where laughter is as important as your strict obedience. I relish all aspects of corporal punishment, creative and inescapable bondage, medical, role playing, foot fetish, discipline, sissy training, electrical and more BDSM play. I enjoy play ranging from sensual to strict, preferring a connection with those I scene with.

Though you might be surprised at my petite size, I am a physically powerful woman.  I’ve held over a dozen world records in weightlifting and fitness and health remain priorities in my life. I surround myself with play partners and friends that hold the same values, and give a positive energy.

Lady Bridget Ballard
dr ballards gyn chair

My play space is fully equipped in a private and secure location. Discretion should be equally important to both of us, as well as trust and respect.

I enjoy exploring your fantasy or fetish beyond any previous limits. I am skilled in all aspects of BDSM, various tortures, in various forms of bondage, discipline and punishment, as those submissives who have tested my resolve have found over the years. Though I’m extremely skilled and enjoy pushing an experienced slave or submissive past previous limits, I equally enjoy training a novice.

I’m capable of being both kind and cruel, understanding and forgiving. I’m a teacher and Domina who loves to mold you into the obedient pet I expect you to be as we explore your limits together safely, sanely and consentually. I respect all personal limits as well as your safety and discretion.  I do especially enjoy playing with those visiting the Phoenix area, be it for business, for pleasure, or for a long layover.   

I am a very busy person outside my play space.  I run my own vanilla business, I am an avid outdoorswoman and physical fitness and health enthusiast.  I do not smoke, drink, take any illegal drugs and I prefer the same in my playmates.  I am in a very happy, long term, committed relationship and as such I am not interested in anything other than encounters within my dungeon.  My time is very valuable and limited, please be respectful of this in all your interactions with me.  I am a very private person and will not discuss anything dealing with my private life.